Restoration thru Healing
Reflexology & Caregiver support

I had a wonderfully, incredible experience while Annette worked on my right foot. I had a mild shock go up my right leg and down my left to my toes. After 40+ years of my left foot being a 1/2 inch shorter than my right, they were now the same length. ~ Andy


I have been the blessed recipient of Annette's skilled reflexology, which has left a wonderfully positive effect on my personal health. ~ Laura


While experiencing pain constipation following hemorrhoid surgery, Annette was able to relieve the pain and open areas to allow "movement" within hours. ~ Roger


While suffering from hemorrhoids and insomnia, a couple visits with Annette, hemorrhoids are gone and I am able to sleep again. ~ Bob


After 20 years of poor circulation in my feet, 3 sessions with Annette and my feet are fleshy colored and warm. ~ Linda


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